Interviews with Erin Babnik
The following interviews feature more about my background, experiences in the field, approaches to photography, and my philosophies about it. If you would like to interview me for your show or publication, please get in touch via the Contact page of this website.
with Erin Babnik
The following interviews feature more about my background, experiences in the field, approaches to photography, and my philosophies about it. If you would like to interview me for your show or publication, please get in touch via the Contact page of this website.

"Feature Interview with Erin Babnik" Interview for Elements Magazine (May 2021, Issue 3)
A sprawling, 26-page interview with many large images and probing questions!
"In Conversation with Erin Babnik" Interview for American Express
An in-depth discussion with American Express about life as a traveling photographer.
"We made it! It's actually 2021 and as is our tradition, we always start the year off putting our best foot forward with Erin Babnik." Season 3, Episode 1
A lively conversation with hosts Christian Fletcher and Carwyn that covers a lot of territory. Some of our topics include:
- Social Media Concerns
- Forthcoming Software Product
- The Dream Office
- Relocating to the Southern Sierras

"Erin Babnik: Adventure and Wilderness Photographer," Adorama Podcast, Episode 98, Interview with Erin Babnik
Host Suzee Skwiot posed questions for me that brought us deep into some of the biggest topics in landscape photography today. This episode is sure to be a good listen for a wide range of photographers and appreciators. Along the way I reveal details of a unique new product that I’m close to releasing, and I share my excitement about the newest coffee table book by Photo Cascadia, “Oregon, My Oregon”.
"In Conversation with Erin Babnik" interview for Xploring Light
In this video interview, six hosts and another 100 live participants all asked me questions for a full two hours! We discussed a fascinating range of topics, such as: Can creativity can be taught? What is useful about color theory, how I’ve collaborated with photography friends over the years, why I have used Canon cameras exclusively for the 16 years that I’ve been a photographer, how to avoid creative pressure, my “less is more” philosophy about social media, professional development as a landscape photographer, what is personal style, and much more.

"Erin Babnik Talks with Rick about the Craft of Photography," Picturing Success Podcast, Episode 194, Interview with Erin Babnik
Host Rick Sammon and I discuss a range of topics of interest to creative photographers, including the perils of “perfection” and overcoming creative block. We also discuss the increasingly hot topic of location sharing, and Rick asks me to tell his viewers more about the new eBook by Photo Cascadia, “Photographing Through the Seasons”.
"Photographer of the Year 2019: Erin Babnik" Interview for Capture Landscapes.
I’m very honored to have been chosen as 2019’s Photographer of the Year by Capture Landscapes! For the interview I received a number of very thoughtful questions, all intended to be helpful and entertaining for readers. The topics include something for everyone: approaches in the field, philosophies about composition and post-processing, advice for anyone going full-time in landscape photography, and advice for photographers who are just starting out…plus lots more.
"Locations Versus Landscapes with Erin Babnik" Landscape Photography Show, Episode 9, Interview with Erin Babnik
Despite its title, this episode covers far more than my recent article on the interpretation of landscape photographs. This episode is a true feast for podcast listeners: a meaty, wide-ranging, heart-to-heart discussion with interviewer David Johnston. Some interviewers have a special way of drawing out unique threads of thought from their guests, and David is definitely one of them. You may remember David from his previous, long-running show The Photography Roundtable. Well, now he has a new show out, so be sure to subscribe!

"One of the World's Top 25 Landscape Photographers, Erin Babnik, Joins Christian and Carwyn for a Chat." Light Minded Podcast, Episode 11, Interview with Erin Babnik
This is one of my favorite recent interviews, thanks to the excellent questions from hosts Christian Fletcher and Carwyn. Our conversation was wide-ranging and very productive, but listeners have reached out to say that they were especially appreciative of our discussion of societal issues that limit interaction between women and men in the field of landscape photography.

"Interview with Erin Babnik" Interview for Iceland Photo Tours
It’s refreshing to see an interviewer who is willing to ask questions that dig deep, touching on both the benefits and the challenges of a career in landscape photography. I embraced the questions with openness and enthusiasm, and I think that the result is a very thought-provoking interview.
"That Life and Photography Balance", B&H Photography Podcast Interviews with Erin Babnik, Sofia Aldinio, Colin Boyd, Erika Skogg, and Car Pelleteri
What happens to your photography when life gets in the way? My second appearance on the B&H Photography Podcast was recorded in New York at the Optic Conference in June of 2019. Hosts Allan Weitz and John Harris of the B&H Photography Podcast interviewed me and four other photographers in an extended-length episode that combines the tales of tragedy, growth, and evolution that we all shared. My segment is the lead interview, about 20 minutes dedicated largely to my story of surviving the Camp Fire that destroyed my home and office in Paradise, California and how that experience strengthened my resolve as a professional photographer.

"Adventure and Landscape Photography with Erin Babnik" interview for This Week in Photo
In this video interview, host Frederick Van Johnson asked me some very thoughtful questions about my transition from the academic world of art history and archaeology into becoming a full-time landscape photographer…and about how my background has helped to form me as a photography educator.

"Leave No Trace (with Erin Babnik)", The No Name Photo Show, Episode 55 interview with Erin Babnik
In honor of Earth Day, host Brian Matiash invited me to discuss the vexing issue of photography’s impact on wild lands and the part that social media has to play in encouraging photographers to behave in ways that can change the world.

"Erin Babnik Answers Your Questions", f8 The Photographer's Perspective Podcast Interview
Interviewer Chris Smith and I went through an entertaining list of questions posed by the photography community in response to my invitation to “Ask me anything!” The topics are very diverse, ranging from color theory in landscape photography to being creative in the field…to why I wear purple…and a whole lot more!
"Mastering Visual Artistry with Erin Babnik" interview for the Sedona Photography Symposium Speaker Series
In this video interview, Carol Kahn continues her interview series with the headlining speakers scheduled for the 2019 Sedona Photography Symposium. The symposium’s theme of mastering visual artistry inspired her questions, and she drew out my thoughts on everything from personal style to creative expression.

"Erin Babnik on Reslience", The Traveling Image Makers, Episode 165, Interview with Erin Babnik
The Traveling Image Makers, Episode 165, titled “Erin Babnik on Resilience”. Host Ugo Cei asked me to share my story of surviving the wildfire that destroyed my home and office in Paradise, California late last year and to explain how I have managed to recover (to the extent that I have so far). We also discussed file back-up strategies and my latest article on compositional patterns.

"Erin Babnik Shares Two New Awesome Adventures & Priceless Landscape Photography Tips", Photog Adventures Podcast Episode 120
I’m happy to present a new podcast interview in which I share a huge amount of insights regarding both the camera work and the post-processing that went into two of my most popular photographs. The discussion gets deep into issues of technique and composition as I answered any and every question that the hosts wanted to pose. I also shared the whole backstory of my newest photo release, as well as the story of one that is yet be unveiled. Enjoy!

"The Photographer's Roundtable" pilot episode for AdoramaTV
I was honored to be featured in the pilot for a new show on AdoramaTV as one of five photographers in a round table discussion regarding current issues in landscape photography. Seated with me were Chris Burkhard, Keith Ladzinski, Pete McBride, and Jacob Riglin, plus the episode’s moderator, Kishore Sawh.

f-stop Collaborate and Listen Episode 71 Post-Processing Debate with Alex Nail and Erin Babnik
My newest appearance on a podcast show is quite different from any of the others that I’ve done. I had discussed this topic with Alex Nail twice before, and both conversations were collegial and engaging…so I agreed to do this episode in dialogue with him (and with a moderator who shares his views!). Alex is an outstanding photographer who I have met before and who shares my fondness for adventurous outings in remote locations. It was a very lively discussion, and I hope that it gives everyone plenty to think about!
Also note that there is bonus content available for Patreon subscribers: a separate conversation with Alex and me on the topic of photography workshops.
"Live from Moab!", The Landscape Photography Podcast Episode 43, Erin Babnik, Ian Norman & Josh Cripps
In front of a live audience at the Out of Moab Landscape Photography Podcast, host Nick Page moderated this panel discussion with Josh Cripps, Ian Norman, and me. We covered a range of topics of interest to landscape photographers in an especially frank, candid, and often humorous conversation.

"Quality vs. Quantity", The Landscape Photography Podcast Episode 36, Interview with Erin Babnik and Alex Noriega
In this episode, Host Nick Page inquires about an approach to photography that has become increasingly rare since the rise of digital imaging and social media: releasing new photographs infrequently. Nick chose me and fellow photographer Alex Noriega as exemplars of this unusual approach because we both make it work to support our full-time careers in landscape photography. We discussed a variety of concerns, including online ‘visibility’, the creative process, portfolio curation, and much more.

"Behind the Scenes: Workshops with Erin Babnik" Interview for f-stop gear Stories.
f-stop gear interviewed me about what goes on behind the scenes with teaching workshops. They asked me about my journey into photography education and what goes into the location choices, program design, logistics, and other considerations when planning a world-class workshop.
"Embracing Technology in the 'New' Landscape Photography" with Erin Babnik and Sean Bagshaw
Hosts Allan Weitz and John Harris of the B&H Photography Podcast interviewed me and my Photo Cascadia teammate Sean Bagshaw about contemporary trends in landscape photography. We discussed the progressive techniques embraced by many photographers in the Pacific Northwest, new business models, image manipulation, new technology for phone apps, for post-processing, and for outdoor gear. This was a very lively and wide-ranging discussion that packs in something for everyone.

"Thinking Beyond the Typical Photo": Photography Roundtable Podcast, Episode 244, Interview with Erin Babnik
In this interview, David Johnston asks me about my experiences with exploration as a landscape photographer. We discuss the creative benefits of exploration and discovery, some practical resources for research, and the drawbacks to pioneering new locations.

"Erin Babnik on Composition for the Landscape Photographer" podcast interview for The PhotoTellers show
This conversation may surprise you at many points. Listen to find out how my talk on composition differs from other treatments of the subject and why the talk has been so well received. Thanks to the unique interview style of Bill Ramsey, we delve into a range of related topics with a level of depth that is rare in podcast interviews. To hear me speak live about the topic of composition, join me at the Canon Experience Center in Costa Mesa, California on October 17, 2017.

Live Panel Discussion at Out of Acadia on The Landscape Photography Podcast
During the Out of Acadia Landscape Photography Conference I was delighted to participate a panel discussion recorded in front of a live audience for the Landscape Photography Podcast. Host Nick Page sat down with Thomas Heaton, Bryan Peterson, and me for a discussion of many important topics in landscape photography: overcoming creative block, finding inspiration, tales of our scariest moments in the field, and our most common teaching tips all came up, along with a good number of jokes along the way. A video version of this recording will be available soon.

"Developing the Eye with Erin Babnik", The Landscape Photography Podcast Interview, Episode 1
Veteran podcast personality Nick Page (formerly of the Improve Photography Podcast) has launched a new podcast channel dedicated to landscape photography. I was honored to be his guest for the show’s inaugural episode. Titled “Developing the Eye with Erin Babnik,” Episode 1 delves into the topics of composition, being creative in the field, and growing as an artist. This was a very lively discussion that should appeal to landscape photographers at any stage in their creative journey.

"Art History and Landscape Photography with Erin Babnik", Out of Chicago Podcast Interview
“Art History and Landscape Photography with Erin Babnik” is the title of the Out of Chicago Podcast Season 4 Episode 2. Interviewer Chris Smith masterfully drew out some answers from me that got us deep into topics including photography’s ancient past, compositional trends in landscape photography, meaning and storytelling, female landscape photographers, my relationship with my Photo Cascadia teammates, and much more. Recent guests on this show include Art Wolfe, Bryan Peterson, and Rick Sammon, so it was a great honor to join the lineup.

"Artistic Vision in Landscape Photography", f-stop Collaborate and Listen Episode 2 Interview with Erin Babnik
This new podcast show by Matt Payne offers “casual conversations” with landscape photographers in episodes that run longer and cover more ground than most others. Our wide-ranging discussion of nearly an hour and half includes: the history of the underground landscape photography group once operating as Area 51, my thoughts on the issue of photo manipulation, the challenges and rewards of becoming a full-time landscape photographer, putting social media into perspective, some thoughts on artistic vision, funny stories from the road, and more.
Photography Roundtable Podcast, Episode 238, Interview with Erin Babnik
In this interview, titled “The Creative Process”, David Johnston asks me some of the most important questions for any landscape photographer to consider. We touch on many of the points from my talk in England about creative expression and expand to a number of related topics. How important is it to travel to so-called ‘epic’ locations? Can ‘bad’ conditions produce great photographs? How can a photographer get out of a creative slump? How can beginning photographers find their own creative voice? Listen to the episode for these questions and many more!

Meeting of Minds Live Video Interview with Erin Babnik
Photographer David Ward sat down with me for a video interview streamed live to the world following my talk at the Meeting of Minds Landscape Photography Conference in Cumbria, England. We discussed some of the points from my talk and took a question from the audience regarding the development of personal style.

On Landscape Magazine Interview with Erin Babnik
On Landscape Magazine interviewed me and asked some really thought-provoking questions about photography, art, and art history. I especially enjoyed answering the ones on near/far compositions and finding meaning in photographs. This is an absolutely top-notch publication, and I encourage anyone who enjoys great writing about landscape photography to subscribe to the magazine!

Image & Rhythm Interview with Erin Babnik
This interview, titled “The Creative Journey,” covers the topics of stepping outside of your comfort zone, photographic inspiration, social media influence, and more. It is an interview unlike any that I’ve done before. Image & Rhythm asked me some provocative questions about some very important topics, and I poured every bit of insight that I could into answering them. If you haven’t heard about this website, then you really need to check it out. The whole premise is highly original and inspirational. It’s a great resource for any photographers who face the challenges of being creative, productive, and personally satisfied.

The Traveling Image Makers Interview with Erin Babnik
The Traveling Image Makers, Episode 30, titled “On the High Mountains with Erin Babnik.” Interviewer Ugo Cei asked me some great questions about photographing in high alpine environments, about the differences between landscape photography culture in Europe and the United States, and much more. It was a very engaging discussion that covers topics that have not come up in previous interviews.

Photography Roundtable Podcast, Episode 152, Interview with Erin Babnik
The Photography Roundtable network interviewed me about a huge variety of topics. The episode, titled “Erin Babnik: Tips to Immediately Shoot More Creative Photos” is now available on iTunes, Android, and on the Improve Photography website. We discuss the topics of photographic storytelling, females in landscape photography, compositional theory, and more.

Improve Photography Podcast Interview with Erin Babnik
The Improve Photography network interviewed me for their show “Tripod: The Nature Photography Show”. The episode, titled “Erin Babnik: The undisputed queen of landscape photography” is now available on iTunes, Android, and on the Improve Photography website. We discuss current trends in landscape photography, my experience with going full-time as a landscape photographer, photographing in the Italian Alps, and more. This show features top-notch interviewing and production quality, and I am thrilled to be featured on it.

Digital Photographer Magazine Interview with Erin Babnik
Issue 167 of Digital Photographer Magazine includes an interview with me in their feature on Atmospheric Landscapes.

"Erin Babnik: Art History & the Legacy of Landscape Photography" podcast interview for the PhotoTellers show.
Distinguished interviewer Bill Ramsey asked me some thoughtful and wide ranging questions for his show The PhotoTellers on the Fireside Network. I am thrilled to be featured in this impressive series.

Photo Cascadia Interview with Erin Babnik
Photo Cascadia has become a household name with landscape and travel photographers around the world due to their exceptional range of talent and commitment to photography education.

Aperture Academy Interview with Erin Babnik
Aperture Academy’s “Guest Pro of the Month” interview series is renowned for its illustrious list of interviewees and its thoughtfully crafted questions for them.